Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oh no! I forgot... (Research on Richard Pousette-Dart)

So... I forgot about posting this. Well, better late than never:

The artist I responded to was Richard Pousette-Dart, the piece that specifically caught by eye being Desert. I loved the colors and apparent randomness of the image and after few clicks I also found another piece of his, Fugue Number 2, that looked crude from the overall picture, all piece meal and kind of blurry, but when I clicked for full view it showed layers and layers of texture and pattern within the shapes. I liked the idea of all these strange images that didn't hold any real form at first, coming together to portray a kind of mood or image that was almost open for interpretation. I saw a village, a water front, houses, etc, all in something that at its base was shapes and colors.
I looked up information further through The Museum of Modern Art's site. ( specifically) and they informed me that Pousette-Dart was exploring a synthesis of Cubism among other influences. His focus seemed to be on the abstract and he was a sculptor and photographer as well as a painter. It is listed that he was influenced by an interest in Jungian primal consciousness (Which might explain why I felt a clear mood connected to the pieces...) and it was also influenced by “archaic pictographs and indigenous American and African art.” I'm not sure if he was part of a specific movement, though he connected with cubism, and I did not find any listed artists associated with him.



Fugue Number 2


Anyway, that's what I found. I kind of have always wanted to try an abstract piece that in the end kind of did have a form to it still, a greater image, if you were far enough away to see it. I'm not sure what final image I want to work towards, and I'm thinking to just start making the abstract and change it to match whatever image starts to come out.