Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mr. Morrill


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Artist statement take 2

Haven't really altered much at all, if you see any errors, tell me:

Life is full of chaos. Just under the surface of seemingly simple matters is a whole slew of complications. And it is in this chaos I find myself running from point A to point B trying experience life while trying to get through it. Sometimes it seems overwhelming. But there is something in the midst. And there in lies my concentration, in the midst. In the midst of chaotic shapes, colors, and patterns lies method and reason, and in the end, a discernible figure. My goal is to make what looks like happenstance and random become something more to those who look beyond the surface, who gaze deeper. I have chosen to primarily utilize acrylic paints in my exploration, but have also integrated sometimes less than ordinary elements to my canvases, such as leaves, coffee, fabric, and tinfoil to help in adding dimension to the pieces.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Commenting request for A.P. Arty peoples

I only have one of my concentration pieces up here at the moment, the swan one, as my black dragon piece was made after my massive art photographing extravaganza. So instead of commenting on concentration elements, I was wondering if you guys could tell me what areas you feel I haven't fully explored, and should, within the 2D art trade. So far with art, it is usually been the case that once I've actually tried something new, like abstracted art, or painting in general, I realize I really do love it. So in my attempt to widen out, feedback on what you feel I should widen out to would be useful. If there is a certain style I should try that I haven't, or maybe a style I have done that you feel I would benefit from doing another piece like, etc. Pretty much, what breadth pieces do you think I still need? Also, any critiques on my pieces as a whole would be useful.