Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cats on a Chair - Oil Painting

Fun fact: This piece is based off a photo a friend of my sister took while they were on a mission trip in Israel.

Stitched block - Mixed Media


This is the journal I made for Textiles class. I'd show you more of the pages I decorated, but I've filled them all up with writing, so they don't look as nice anymore. The pages are all coffee-dyed and they smell amazing.

Painted Box

Here are pictures from several angles. I'm not sure which I like the most.

Yellow and Purple - Oil Pastel

Sorry, the colors got a bit strange, but I'll get another some time.

Red and Green - Oil Pastel

Orange and Blue -Oil Pastel

Tree Bark - Oil Pastel

Skyline at Oxbow - Oil Pastel

Fracture - Mixed Media


Oxbow - Ink and Color Pastel

Simplistic Still Lifes

I'm not sure how I feel about these, I just found them among my art pile, but I figured I'd post them along with everything else.

Still Life drawings

Tilted Teapot - Clay and glaze

I know these images are rather horrible, but I couldn't get a decent image of it with a black background. I think I need a white backdrop. I'll bring it to school for a better image.

Black and White Still Life -Acrylic Painting

Hopefully you can make out what this is an image of, I've had a few people ask me what it was suppose to be before.

Apple - Acrylic Painting

Building -spraypaint

This may look familiar, after all, it is the image I sprayed onto my 3D block piece.
Also did the piece in red once:


This is still the part of the image I love the most. I plan to make another stencil like this of a lion statue.

Waterside - Oil Pastel

Tree Branches - Oil Pastel

Pier - Oil Pastel

Not my best oil pastel piece, but oh well.

Fire Forest - Oil Pastel